Sunday 12 April 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter. What a great day in London, the sun was not shining , well at least we did not have a blue sky instead we enjoyed a rather grey overcast day. The marathon is just around the corner so to speak and I am off tomorrow morning to finish the last really long run of about 20 miles.
This should get me around Regents Park towards Hyde Park and back, after 3 hours all should be done and dusted.
Today i spent just an hour at the gym having just a small workout. The other time i spent painting and taking photographs of my already existing paintings. You are going to see them in the next post.
I'll invite you to buy those paintings with the proceedsd going entirely to my supported charity 'Children with Leukaemia'. you can set the price for the painting, I'll explain further in the next post.

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