Friday, 27 March 2009

cloudy afternoon

sun behind clouds in Kilburn on 27. March 2009
cloudy sky above Kilburn 27. March 2009

Just got back from a shopping trip, nothing special , just a bit powerbar gel and lucozade for my long run tomorrow morning. Its cold and cloudy out there, so Stephan took his camera out to take a few pictures of clouds going by. I love clouds, they are just there and in a blick of an eye they are gone again - feels like magic is at work. Sometimes I feel like being a cloud, here today and gone tomorrow.

At the moment I am reading a book by Lynne McTaggart called 'The Intention Experiment' - it is basically about how intention changes and forms our world, that even we thoughts we are able to influence our world. It all comes down at how you look at the world and this image bounces back to you in every thing you do.

So enough writing for today and let our intention always be PEACE so that we can create a peaceful world around us.

The cloud pictures were taken this afternoon from my backyard; basically Kilburn on a cloudy but sunny day.

Have fun and enjoy every step of your journey - don't forget to visit my fundraiser website at


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